Monday, August 15, 2011

Protestantism vs. Catholicism?

I have been a Roman Catholic for 17 years and happen to be 17 years of age. There's so much within the Catholic church I disagree with and I think Martin Luther set up something that I personally agree with very much. Having priests, bishops, cardinals, Popes just seem ridiculous. Wasn't Jesus not trying to set up a hierarchy but building a community of believers. Where in the Bible does it say that Jesus said we must have a hierarchy of church. Everyone should have there own relationship with God and there shouldn't be a gap between the regular people of today and God. Priest etc make that gap and I think people should have the same understanding as priests do. I highly doubt that God talks to the Cardinals and says "so and so has to be Pope." God wants to have a high understanding with every single one of us. I was shocked when I recently found out that Catholics still believe in indulgences. Martin Luther wasn't even trying to make his own religion but just trying to Reform the Catholic Church. I have been learning in Church History that back in the 16th Century if someone was to go to confession the Bishop would give them a pennance of wearing uncomfortable clothing for a year or fasting for months on end. HUH? Wasn't Jesus trying to encourage gentleness, peace, and kindness not "Oh if I do something wrong I have to kill myself over it for a year." The Catholic Church is soo corrupt in many ways that its almost like there brain dead not to really understand what Jesus left for us in the Bible. Catholics believe in Tradition (which was handed down from the apostles) & the Bible. I honestly believe that even though the Apostles of Jesus time were critical to religion today I don't think that that carrying down beliefs they had on Jesus has anything to do with living the life of the Lord. The Bible is what says it all and nothing else should say anything and that's why I have felt the need to convert to a Protestant religion (Mainly Lutheranism). Also, about priests, I recently heard that a Bishop in Germany was excommunicated because of ordaining women as priests. Umm Hello? Didn't Jesus teach that treating men and women equaling is a GOOOD THING? Why can't Women be ordained priests. Im sure women want to perform m and express God's glory as well. I know in Protestant church's they have ministers that can be women and recently in August the ELCA Lutheran's allow Lesiban and Gay's to be ministers which I think is great!. See Catholics don't even allow Women as priests. Why? Why? Why? God wants everyone to express love and his love for others. I just feel so confined within the Catholic church and a lot of their teachings don't even originate out of scripture they just keep on expanding soo much that it completely unrelates to the Bible. Could someone answer these question's for me? I would really appreciate it. Thank You! :)

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