Monday, August 8, 2011

Been really depressed lately??? Please read story?

Hi. my name is Lydia and I think I'm suffering through depression. Its not like I'm cutting myself and thinking of commiting suicide or something, its just that I've been so sad lately, everything I do makes me stressed out and upset, I cry a lot, I get in fights with my mom, and my friends are being bitches. So, first lets start with my friends. I was best friend with a girl named Sadie* since second grade. This year in seventh grade we grew closer then ever. There's this guy named Andrew*, my ex-crush. Well, let me say this, my parents won't let me go anywhere without a parent if there's boys there. Okay, so I"m starting with the happy stuff. I went to the movies/mall with my friends Sadie, Andrew, Robert* (my now best friend), and James*. Of course, Sadie's parents had to go. So we went to the movies and had the time of our lives. We watched New Moon and after that had a lot of fun at the mall. Andrew couldn't stop making me laugh and by the end of the night, we had around twenty inside jokes. I heard James whisper to Andrew, "are you going to ask her out?" and I was thinking who? Then, after Robert left, he called and said, "someone that went with you to the movies likes you." Now, Robert has asked me out twice, but he's a total player. I was totally confused. After the movie and after Andrew gave me a thirty second hug, Sadie said that Andrew liked me. I was shocked with happiness. We texted for a while and then I told Sadie to ask him if he liked me to make sure. So she did and he said, "I love Lydia. She's so beautiful and has the most amazing personality ever. She didn't stop making me laugh all night and its cool that we're both tall :) I'm going to ask her out on Monday." It was AMAZING. Trust me!! So on Monday, I saw Sadie talking to this girl. Sadie introduced me to her, and said her name was Layla*. I said hi, she seemed nice. Little did I know the truth. Sadie and I have no cles together, but then Sadie befriended Layla because they have a lot of cles together. When Andrew was around that day, I got so nervous I turned away and pretended I didn't know him. I was SO scared!! I didn't know what to do, because my parents won't let me date but I liked him THAT much. Instead, I ignored him for the next week, when James told me that Andrew didn't like me anymore, he liked someone else. I was so sad and realized how mean and stuck-up I had acted. I asked who he liked, and James told me Layla. The following week, Andrew asked Layla out and Layla said yes. Sadie asked me to go to the movies, but said a parent wouldn't go. I told her there was no way I could go without a parent without my parents knowing, so she just said she'd ask someone else. So she asked Layla. It ended up that Layla and Andrew ended up kissing and holding hands and all this crap. I was heartbroken. That's when I realized Sadie was going with Layla and the boys to the movies a number of times without asking me. That's when I read on Sadie's facebook: "I love Layla SOOO MUCH!!! She's the bestest friend in the WHOOLLLEEE world!!!!! She's so amazing and nice and everything and I love her because shes my BFFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… When I asked Sadie about this, she said that Layla had wrote that. Which was a lie. That's when Layla's true colors started to show. She would cuss all the time and feel Sadie's . She'd say, its Wednesday!!! And touch all these girl''s s. That's when I realized I didn't want to hang out with them. Layla broke up with Andrew alot of times but would always get back together with him. She's also a total pervert and touches guy's and get's out of trouble. She seemed so nice!!! Boy, was I wrong!!! I stopped hanging out with Sadie and Layla for a long time and went with some other friends. Finally, Layla broke it off with Andrew and Andrew and I started to like each other again. That's when I completely fell for him. I would listen to love songs and dream of him every night. He was like a dream come true. He plays guitar, sings, does basketball, football, soccer, track, and used to do karate (he has a six-pack). He already has a record deal and is serious about his music. I told him, he would be famous some day, and he said if he got famous, he wouldn't forget me. He also said he wanted to kiss me and all this stuff. I was lovestruck. Then of course Layla has to get in the way. Not only had she stolen all my best friend's and still had the eye of my crush, but she had to interferer again. When he would p, she'd be like "Look its Lydia's boyfriend." Then one day, Layla forgot a jacket and Andrew held her in his arms and hugged her and wouldn't stop. That's when I realized he's been using me. Also my friend Robert told me he used to be in a gang, keep's condoms in his wallet, has had 37 girlfriends, and loves to touch girls and kiss them. I was really surprised. So I talked to Sadie, and she said that Andrew was a liar and that he was a jerk to Layla sometimes. Andrew ha

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