Friday, August 12, 2011

WHAT ARE THE MANY NAMES OF ALLAH/SATAN?? Can you think of any of them, And how does it attack men and women?

The muslim call their false god the it of many names, and also call it the big deceiver, the Lord Jesus told us of allah/satan/deceiver and told us to stay away from it and never believe it! He called the muslims it of many names the author of Lies in John the 8th Chapter, author of lies, meaning big deceiver! Who does a deceiver first deceive? Itself and any who believe its lies and worship it! Lets list just a few of its false names, that satan/allah has had! beelzebub, moloch, remphan, accuser, slanderer, author of lies/budda! Death being its only true name and that also is merely a term for nothing! Can you think of any of its other false names? How does satan attack people? By its false words, accusations, slander, thoughts of suicide, and sickness it literally is the very act of suicide as our Lord proved in Matthew 4:1-10! death has been found by science, and is the 8 unclean spirits our Lord God forewarned us of, and they can now literally be seen due to science now reproving Gods Word, and mystery...go google Adam and Eve seed gathering and therein on the about page and services page are images of death/satan the author of lies, the it of many names...It has begun.. contact if need more info.

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