Sunday, August 14, 2011

Talks of girls, is he into me or wat or just not, is he trying to make me jealous or jus mates?

would he chat bout other girls if he liked me? he offered to tech me how to cook and that i should visit him at his as he recently started appearing at my house, calling n texing mire which is strange. we argued the other day and i told him to leave me alone, only because i'm scared of him getting too close, i can't even hug him, he always offers these day but i be rude. i miss him, he called but i told him to leave me. we were meant to go pictures that he offerd but he didnt mention it again just keeps asking me when am i free or wat am i doing the following week. compliments me then finds a fault and says my name to ask a question then says forget it. i do like himbut i just can't read him at all.

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