Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What are the most efficient settings for my gas combi boiler?

i have my thermostat set at 15 all the heating comes on each time the temperature falls below that,so that it doesn't come on when you don't need it to.i find it's cheaper than having it on soon as the rooms are warm enough it switches itself off again so i don't get any scary bills.hope this helps.

Of christian girls that are waiting till marriage for s_e_x?

Well I am also 23 but I am not Christian( Hindu actually) and yes I intend on waiting for marriage. I would also like my first kiss to be with my husband. I know some people would think of this as extreme but this would make me most happy. I plan on waiting.

Using dvd encryptor program?

ok i am using the program to rip my dvds into my external hard drive and i was wondering how to make all the video files go into one huge file like u would get from the torrent sites from people llike axxo like what i am getting now is a bunch of 10-20 minute files when the movie is an hour and a half.... anyone know how to do this if not with this program at least with another freeware program to rip dvds?

Is this Darklord Zerato deck good?

dmoc is banned, so dont bother worrying about it. of course you might wanna get it anyways for if they ever unban it. but dont go out of your way to get it.

Who is on your "Mt. Rushmore" of Saturday Night Live?

Besides Lorne Michaels (because that's too easy) who would you place on the "Mt. Rushmore" of Saturday Night Live? In other words, who are the four cast members (past or present) that come to your mind when you think of SNL?

Is it weird for a 15 year old to listen to old music?

i like led zeppelin, rod Stewart,deep purple, bon jovi motley crue van halen journey and stuff like like that

What are the best albums by the following...?

Rage Against the Machine's best album, to me is the self titled cd Rage Against the Machine. Pink Floyd's best album (of the ones i've heard) is Dark Side of the Moon. It flows and transitions awesomely. Linkin Park I'd say Hybrid Theory. Although Meteora has a lot of Linkin Park's catchy hit songs, i still prefer Hybrid Theory more. Meteora doesn't suck is the point im trying to get across. It catches Linkin Park before they sell out big time. New Linkin Park albums = BAD. Those are all the ones i know

Are girls who refuse to fart in front of their boyfriends setting back women's rights?

I literally LOLed at this question. Dude, where are you coming up with stuff. Put down the Gaunga. Anyway, farting has nothing to do with womens rights. Maybe you meant more of a women's lib type of thing. I know lots of girls that fart in front of dudes but girls just don't have as much gas as guys, lol. So no they are not setting us back by several decades because that has nothing to do with our right to do anything. No is surpressing us from farting in front of guys. Lol, this was a really funny, silly question. Hope this helps on your quest! LOL Dude you crack me up!

You love skittles or cotton candy?

Which topics is best for this fashion article?? " how to transform patches into vintage" , "how to make patches fashionable?" or " how to convert patches to vintage?" what idea is best? And what steps can i use for the article??

How can i lose weight like 20-30 lbs in about two to three months??

so i need weight loss tips from people who have lost weight. i know eating less and excercising and im doing both and also adding lots of water. i did atkins last month for two wks and lost 10lbs but that diet is so boring !! any ideas or tricks that can help me lose weight quicker?? or diet pills that really do work? lemon water? eating alot of greens? im doing pilates...what else can help me? any advice is better than none. so yea please leave answers!

Where can I get a kicker comp Vr/x box?

I am not sure where you can find an unloaded comp vr box. You could try shooting an email. I would personally go to a local car audio shop and get them to make you a nice box built to spec... Support your local car audio scene, keep the shops open..

8 inch strand of huge blood tisue like stuff??????? 11 days late but period started very light with neg hpt?

If you were 11 days late you may have had an early miscarriage. With my miscarriage thats how all my blood clumps looked.

How fair rally is the so called "Fairness Doctrine"?

Lets say you own a movie theatre and want to show only family oriented PG rated movies. Does the "Fairness Doctrine" then dictate that you have to show an equal amount of R or X-rated movies ? What if you owned a religious oriented radio station would you have to share equal time with atheists? How about print media if a newspaper writes 20 stories about Obama does it have to write an equal amount about a conservative politician? Or lets say you are having a political discourse amongst friends does it mean you all have equal time to express your particualar view? Is that fair enough?------------If government wants a fairness doctrine let them start with their own radio station NPR then we can talk about the rest !

Should there be a IIHF World U16 Championship like there is World U20?

I'm wondering if maybe they should have a World U16 Hockey Championship with like Canada, USA, Russia, Sweden, Czech Republic, Finland, Slovakia and Germany. Should Canada get all of its best U16 players along with all the other countries and compete for a trophy like the World Juniors?

How much did nicole richie weigh?

In that picture, Nicole Richie weighed 95 pounds. She now weighs 85 pounds. I read gossip magazines all the time and saw this pic in one and it said she was 95.

How can i get hilary duffs hair colour?

I absolutly love Hilary duffs baby blond hair colour! i am dying my hair soon and i want it to be as close as possible to her baby blond look. Any ideas on a box colour i can get to look just like that? mabye even a good brand? my hair is very thick and has damaged ends already, so i need a hair dye that isn't going to damage my hair. Thanks!!

How do I clean my faux suede (microfiber) couch?

Not to get out stains, but smells. When my cat was a kitten, she peed on the couch and I've tried vinegar to neutralize the smell...but nothing has worked. Please help!!!! I can't stand it!

Does he like me or not?

Friday at lunch my friend told my crush i liked him and i wanted to go out wit him! He stood there and smiled. Later on in music cl me,him,and my 2 other friends.I wasnt sitting by him i was 1 seat over my friend was in between.We were laughing and talking together including my other friends.Out of no where he said 'I cant belive you like me."He was smiling. But a cople moonths ago he asked me out as a joke! I cant tell if he likes me or not.... I can never trust him again! How can i tell if he likes me?.Just so u no i only talk to him in music,maybe recess,and channel 1.

I'm 20, can i get into a 21+ club if I go with someone who is old enough and is on the guestlist?

I'm trying to think of ways to get into a 21+ club this friday. it'll be my friend's 21st bday this friday and she wants 2 go 2 this 21+ club in hollywood. I'm the only 1 in our group that's 20 and i don't wanna ruin it 4 every1 if the bouncer won't let me through. I've snuck in 2x b4 at other clubs but wasn't successful the last time. The bouncer said i just look way too young. So i've been thinking of some ways to get in this time. What if my friend gets herself placed on the guestlist and asks to bring along a few other girls? Do you think the club will let us get in without checking our id's? Please help :( i even get carded when i buy lotto tickets.

Why do all sports anime copy Captain Tsubasa?

Captain Tsubasa is the best sports anime ever, it was the 1st to have trademark moves and exaggerated techniques and all that. Prince of Tennis and all are copying it.

Business structure for physicians.?

What would be an appropriate company structure for a group of physicians? S-corp., LLC or PA? Thank you.

Good hotel in Bangkok?

I would like a hotel that has a large complimentary breakfast buffet, is modern, and can accomodate 2 adults (40 yrs), a boy of 18yrs, a girl of 17yrs, and a boy of 15 yrs. A fitness center would be nice.

Where Do celebs Get There?

Lol there copyrighted they just dont bother bc there celebs you understand? and they usaly have people make them code them or like copy them ect.

Where should I get a bike? Should I try to get one used or new?

I am a college student and need a bike. Will a used bike be just as good? If I cant find one can I go to walmart or something? If I go to walmart how much should I spend and what should I look for? I just want something that has 15 gears (that's 5 of those lever things right?) as you can see Im no professional biker I just need to get around but in somewhat style

How many half-lives would it take for 1 mol of any radioactive atoms... (continued)?

How many half-lives would it take for 1 mol of any radioactive atoms (6.02 x 10^23 atoms) to decay to 6.25% (0.376 x 10^23 atoms) of the original number of atoms?

How to keep in touch with old teacher?

That's not weird at all. I think it would be a great idea for you to stay in touch with him. I would go with the Facebook option first though. Add him on Facebook, you can write him a message instead of a letter. It is more acceptable nowadays. =] But I definitely think that you should add him. I have added my teachers on Facebook. It's normal. They are people, too. Haha.

Why does Rudy think that I have the burden of proof to disprove his imaginary friend?

Because he doesn't understand that those who make ertions are obliged to provide the evidence if they want to be taken seriously. He's just been brought up a brainwashed believer

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What players would you start this week in the nfl?

rbs M.J.D , j.charles , c.jennings , r. mendenhall , at wr nyg s.smith , k.britt , ochocinco ,m.austin , t.owens , c.chambers also have rbs forsett and westbrook need either 3 rbs and 2 wrs or 3 wrs and 2 rbs

Music quiz, to see who's really into alternative music. 10 points for most correct answers. song name & artist be into alternative music... you have to like these artists... somehow this doesn't make sense...... isn't alternative about having your own sense and not just liking what everyone else does? hmm... ah well, have fun!

How do you get on a AFL team? Has there been in any players to play in the NFL?

I'm not exactly sure how to get on one, you prolly just have to go to some try out thing or something. Yes, they has been some players go into the NFL through that league, there also is players that arent good enough for the NFL, that go to the AFL

What is my ual orientation?

It dosent sound like your gay. I dont really understand your question. you state that you like girls and the only thing that confuses you is that joke or whatever it is. It sounds like your str8 dude... nothing you mentioned in your question suggest that your gay or bi in anyway. I mean how do you feel? Do you like guys in a ual manor? Thats about the only way you can tell if your gay or bi dude.

Hey everyone i am jr. cheerleading coach ages are 4th and 5th graders very advanced girls by the way.?

you should give a bit more information because then no one knows if you want it long or short. Or if you want stunts so yea

What are the Consequences for this?

So this guy who is the ex-boyfriend of my girlfriend keeps harring me online. He never says explicitly that HE will do anything to ME, but he tells me stories of what a random person would do to this other random person, like "he walked into his house and shot him in the kneecap" so, you see, he never directly threatens me but I still feel threatened. What an happen to this person if I call the police? Also, this online service through which he talks to me is from a dating site...thats where he met his ex and now my girlfriend. The way it works is when someone IMs you you have a choice to either accept it or reject it. IF you reject it it goes away until they IM you again, but you can never actually see the message unless you choose to see it. Any thoughts? Anyone?

If you took the 5 best pitchers in MLB, and?

very good question, they say its all about pitching, but the name of the game is to score more runs than the other team. thats a tough one to answer

Anyone think elections should be run this way?

It might be ok in theory, but there is a slippery slope to fall down. Blacks in the south weren't allowed to vote because they couldn't guess how many grains of rice were in a jar. It might not be that ridiculous again, but whoever is giving the test could be biased against certain people.

Girls: facial hair: yes or no?

I'm sixteen and I personally don't go for overly hairy guys, it just bothers me like the way it feels, but there is some guys who look good in beards don't get me wrong. Would I date them? probably not.

PHYSICS Q: 2000-kg car is skidding out of control on a horizontal icy (frictionless) road...(answer ASAP)?

A 2000-kg car is skidding out of control on a horizontal icy (frictionless) road. It is heading directly at Lois Lane at a speed of 45.0 m/s. When the car is 200 m from her, Superman begins to exert a steady force on the car with magnitude of 1.30x104 N at 30.0o relative to the horizontal. Is this force enough to save Lois Lane who is frozen to the spot by terror?

Weak immune system? How to speed up metabolism?

How can I find out if my immune system is weak? Im usually always sick in the winter/fall and spring and I had the swine flu.

Tips&tricks fight for scorpio male's heart?

now i still fight for ths scorpio male's heart,its really frm nothing until he can trust me few thngs already.we seldom to meet up coz our own activities even we stay in the same city,but communication always done usually by sms/ day,i got chance to know him better through 1 problem (his problem with his friend),his friend told me a lot of thngs& i know it's really destruct his day&emotion,so i managed to calm his down also calm his friend's one.frm tht moment,he open up quiet a lot to me abt his weakness,his problem and some of his close friend.i know if his friend didnt tell me the thngs,thg scorpio guy might hide it frm me actually.before ths,its also like tht,i told him abt my family problem,and after tht he start tell abt his past family u think he consider me as his close friend already?any tips to fight his heart more effectively??:)

I want to download the talking bout your generation song..?

Rubix cube, 80's pop, platform shoes, 50's frock, Harry Potter, fluffy toys, Paris Hilton, kissing boys, space hopper, hippy, old school tv, techo, disco, ISnack 2.0 [*facepalm*] Farnsy, Barnsy, Hula hoops, playing Wii, Sargent Pepper and The Doors, Woodstock, Star Wars, beehives, McEnroe, glow sticks, Devo, Talkin' Bout Your Gen, Brand New in Twenty Ten. Adam Ant, Aussie Crawl, Commodore 64, psychodelic, magic guy, 3D gles, tie-dye, pot black, choose life, true pop, hip-hop, yo-yo's, emo, brick phones, ring tones, Ipods, Elton John, Corey Worthington, k-stand, Pacman, cette walkman, glamo rock, roller-skates, phone cards, Dire Straights, Talkin' Bout Your Gen, right here on Channel Ten.

How is my cousin getting wireless internet without a router? We live next to a hugh factory could that be it?

one of the buildings is right next to our apartment complexes. He think that's how he's able to because their signals are so strong it sometimes interferes with our phone service.

How to properly type "Happy Birthday" to someone?

I think it is more formal to say it with a comma and informal to say it without a comma. This sounds weird, but if I am in a certain mood, let's say that I'm content, not really happy but I'm not bad, I will say it with a comma. But when I am hyper and psyched out of my mind I will just say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOB!" I mean depending on what the person's name is, lol. It also depends on how well you know the person. I don't think you would just blurt that out to someone whom you have never really talked to much before.

Where can i find grid paper that i can print out WITH the lines?

i keep trying to print some grid paper but wherever i find it the LINES wont print and thats what i really need! i am making a dyagram for my sister because shes making a quilt!

Pregnant and depressed listen if you can? (it's not because im pregnant) i love my baby boy?

Just remember that you are doing what's best for your baby. Taking him out of that kind of environment of DV was the best thing you did for him. Rome wasn't built overnight. I am also a victim of DV. People just don't understand. Just please do not go back even though you feel the urge. You CAN do this on your owen. Give it some time and everything will work out. First thing is you need to see a doctor about the depression, then a job, then get out of the hostel....Don't worry. one step at a time. You already took the first step by getting out...Good for you. Now give that baby a big kiss and hug.

What are the good days when ttc?

I am on day14 of my cycle and we bd on day 10 and 11 because I got a + opk on the morning of day11 and ov pains that night, we bd right after that. What's weird to me is I have a 28 day cycle but ovulate early. Did we bd on the right days?? Should we bd today since AF will come in 2 weeks??

In your Natal Chart.. which House(s) do you have the most planets in?

I have Sun, Mercury, Ceres and Part of Fortune in Aquarius in M.C. whatever that means LOL. I love music and working towards a BA in it. I love to be creative and innovative in my drum techniques and music. I am also studying computer music and writing my own so I can promote it one day LOL.

Sketch graphs on the same scale to illustrate the motion of a simple pendulum swinging in air?

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Please answer now !!!!!! people that have seen the movie orphan?

i am going to see the movie orphan in less than two hours and i really need to know the scary parts and i am going with my boyfriend and i need to know the gory parts so i don;t freak out please help!!!!

How do I change my political affiliation on my voter registration?

have been registered as a Democrat since I first registered . I vote as an independant. How do I change and register as an independant?

How do you build a social networking site?

Forget about the Mac. You pretty much will need a Linux platform. Almost all serious web sites are Linux based. If you have a good idea, just hire the people to do it, if you want to start a business. Otherwise, make some friends that are programmers. It'll almost be impossible for non-programmers to create a website like facebook.

If you could be a member of any TV-sitcom family, what would you choose?

Well, you may not consider this a sitcom, but I would choose Family Guy; then Cragmire and I could hang out with all the women he rounds up.

Need Fund Raising Ideas for an Women's Roller Derby Team?

Car Washes, Leg wresting, Raffle of a derby girl for a date, bake sales, raffles, and carnival style events

How can i change the way my yahoo id shows up in Ims. It shows my name and not my id?

after login into yahoo messenger click my acount info and edit profile now make default ur yahoo id not profile name.

Is there anything I can do to stop someone from slandering my name on the internet?

Check to see what web hosting site the page is on and send them a compliant with the url of the page, explain that this man is slandering both your names and you want them to take down the page because slandering someone is illegal.

Monday, August 15, 2011

What should I do to my hair?

those pictures of you are wonderful and all but there's one problem, we CANT SEE YOUR FACE! How are we supposed to answer this if we cant see yoru faace?!

What are your picks for week 14?

san diego buffalo chicago houston indy browns ravens vikings NYG no denver jets ptts i hope arizona new england tb

What is this Doggie Style noise?

My girlfriend and I just started the "Doggie Style" and sometimes when I go really hard it makes a farting noise if you will. What is it? Maybe the suction of the condom?

Show improper integral K is convergent? PLEASE HELP ME.really can't understand how to do this!?

Show improper integral K=integral(limits inf on top and 1 on bottom) [ (e^(x^3)) - (e^-(x^3)) ] ^-1 dx is convergent

I need help identifying the title of this short story...?

We read a short story, or an excerpt of a novel or something in middle school, with some really powerful imagery of socialism. In the story there is a beautiful ballerina who is forced to wear a mask, so that she is more equal to the other's whose beauty isn't as great. I think she was also forced to wear weights,because she was an exceptional dancer. Can anyone tell me the name of the story?

I'm 14 and want a job?

for mcdonalds - you can offer to wipe the tables, clean the floors and toilets, empty the garbage bins as needed, clean the play area (if you have one) and generally look busy - without being on the cash registers or the stoves.

What do you think of Hitler's artwork being purchased for the only reason to be defaced and altered?

I think it's dumb -- art is art, and it should be appreciated as such, no matter what the political views of the artist are/were. If people want to factor Hitler's politics and reputation into his art, then it would make sense that they should be able to use his art as a learning tool. Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it..... and art is a (pretty significant) part of history.

Why do evangelicals believe in the rapture? there is no such as a word rapture in the Bible?

where it comes from this doctrine? why do evangelicals are inventing new doctrines? why do evangelicals attack the catholic church? if the catholic church doesn't attack the evangelical protestant churches

Could I contract HIV from the blood?

While in town today, I witnessed a tramp being beaten up, me and my friends ran over to him, the guy beating him had already ran away. He refused our help and our offer to call an ambulance but asked for a tissue. When he took the tissue from me a smear of blood was left on my hand, without thinking about it, I licked another finger, rubbed at the blood, licked again and rubbed again. It was only after that I realized this man could have been a heroin user and I could contract HIV/Aids! I am not trying to be prejudice towards him or his situation but I am feeling very worried. The blood was on my hand for at least a minute and I have no cuts in my mouth or on my hands. I was just wondering if anyone would be able to advice me? Thankss!

Why do some states have several teams while others have none?

Like Texas has Cowboys and Texans. NY~ Giants and Jets, PA~ Eagles and Stealers ect. But states like Hawaii have no team.

Fantasy football team issues?

your team is fine how it is... kickers are up and down- and bironas is reliable i think u should check for free agent defenses see if zona is available... not for this week, but the following 2 weeks they have cake games.... your team is solid no worries bro

What do the girls at the party think Gatsby did to get rich?

In one of the opening paragraphs for chapter 4 they say he is a bootlegger, so are they saying he got rich by bootlegging?

The dark knight, your thoughts?

You see,after Harvey Dent dies after batman pushed him off a ledge,after he threatened to kill jim gordons son.Batman realized that gotham can't know what Harvey dent has done.So he tells jim gordon to tell the police that he is responsible for the murders.Now batman is a fugitive in gotham.As the movie ends,Jim Gordon tells about batman.He breaks the batsignal,and the police try to find batman.Jim Gordon Tells the audience that batman is'nt a hero,but a guardian of the city,He is,a Dark knight.And then the credits roll in.So the reason that he's called the Dark knight.

Chemistry help?!?!?!?!?!?

an element always has an oxidation of zero so Zn and H2 has a oxidation of zero, HCl ---- h has an oxidation of +1 and x+1=0, x= -1---> so Cl is -1. ZnCl2-------- since since theres 2 Cl then its x( since we dont know what Zn is) +2(-1)=0 --------> x+2(-1)=0, x= +2 so in conclusion Zn =0, H=+1, Cl=-1, Zn=+2, Cl= -1, H=0-------------------------------> Zn is being oxidized because it is increasing from 0 to +2 and H is reduced because it is decreased from +1 to 0----------------------- your welcome :)

Can people or an organizations of people control/create natural phenomenons by using their willpower?

There have been rumors that powerful organizations use supernatural powers to control weather patterns including hurricanes, tornadoes, volcano eruptions and things of that nature.

I need an image to go with this quote? ?

you could draw exactly what it says...draw a girl walking away from a nurse to go see romeo...that's easy. good luck.

My ear is clogged and i dont know whats the problem?

so for the past 2 months probably my right ear had felt almost like there is a rock in it. it feels like wax and if you oush on the ear it feels more clogged. if i sleep on my right side and put pressure on the ear when i wake up it feels very clogged. it doesnt hurt at all, it is just very annoying. i went to the doctor about a week ago and he looked in and said i have healthy and fine ear drums and that there is very little wax in both ears. he said it is probably fluid behind my ear drum from congestion. i am not congested really at all. he told me to take nasonex and over the counter allergy medicine to fix the problem. well would those really help? what should i do?

Which Beatles song is supposed to parody (referenced) by the The Rutles "Cheese And Onions"?

The Rutles are a parody of the Fab Four, as well as many songs, but which song is Cheese and Onions suppose to related to.

Fun things to do with children that believe in Santa Claus?

What are some fun things to do with children that believe in Santa?(about ages 1-10/11). Then also some fun things to do with older kids.

I just made a youtube video with nos sound!!!!?

Ya i just made a video abotu brett favre coming back to lambeu. I added new divide by linkin park as the soundtrack and it is not playing when i veiw my video! whats wrong? it also says it is not authorized by like the WMG or something like that. what can i do to make it authorized?

Protestantism vs. Catholicism?

I have been a Roman Catholic for 17 years and happen to be 17 years of age. There's so much within the Catholic church I disagree with and I think Martin Luther set up something that I personally agree with very much. Having priests, bishops, cardinals, Popes just seem ridiculous. Wasn't Jesus not trying to set up a hierarchy but building a community of believers. Where in the Bible does it say that Jesus said we must have a hierarchy of church. Everyone should have there own relationship with God and there shouldn't be a gap between the regular people of today and God. Priest etc make that gap and I think people should have the same understanding as priests do. I highly doubt that God talks to the Cardinals and says "so and so has to be Pope." God wants to have a high understanding with every single one of us. I was shocked when I recently found out that Catholics still believe in indulgences. Martin Luther wasn't even trying to make his own religion but just trying to Reform the Catholic Church. I have been learning in Church History that back in the 16th Century if someone was to go to confession the Bishop would give them a pennance of wearing uncomfortable clothing for a year or fasting for months on end. HUH? Wasn't Jesus trying to encourage gentleness, peace, and kindness not "Oh if I do something wrong I have to kill myself over it for a year." The Catholic Church is soo corrupt in many ways that its almost like there brain dead not to really understand what Jesus left for us in the Bible. Catholics believe in Tradition (which was handed down from the apostles) & the Bible. I honestly believe that even though the Apostles of Jesus time were critical to religion today I don't think that that carrying down beliefs they had on Jesus has anything to do with living the life of the Lord. The Bible is what says it all and nothing else should say anything and that's why I have felt the need to convert to a Protestant religion (Mainly Lutheranism). Also, about priests, I recently heard that a Bishop in Germany was excommunicated because of ordaining women as priests. Umm Hello? Didn't Jesus teach that treating men and women equaling is a GOOOD THING? Why can't Women be ordained priests. Im sure women want to perform m and express God's glory as well. I know in Protestant church's they have ministers that can be women and recently in August the ELCA Lutheran's allow Lesiban and Gay's to be ministers which I think is great!. See Catholics don't even allow Women as priests. Why? Why? Why? God wants everyone to express love and his love for others. I just feel so confined within the Catholic church and a lot of their teachings don't even originate out of scripture they just keep on expanding soo much that it completely unrelates to the Bible. Could someone answer these question's for me? I would really appreciate it. Thank You! :)

Is my SAT score good?

you got a 140/240 not that good but your only a freshmen and you have tons of time to improve study some prep books and get a tutor if you want. study vocab words too those are important too. you did good on math though better than i did and i have already taken geometry. dont sweat it alot youll be happy you did i am going to be a junior and i regret not studying. i heard barrons is good and the official sat guide is nice too. barrons is actually harder though so if you get a worst grade dnt get all scared and stuff. good luck:) have fun in high school

When buying a travelcard what evidence coud you show to prove your age?

A original copy of your birth certificate would be acceptable, but i recommend you get yourself a photo id card such as a citizencard, if you are under 17 all you need to do is fill out a form with parents signature and send it off with a pport sized photo, job done! and its free!

You think Chevy Chase is really funny???

I just bought on DVD the first season of SNL it's 26 hours long and Chevy Chase is the one who does the opening and weekend updates pretty funny stuff from back in 1975-76

What is the m of O2 in grams?

In a mixture of Cl2 and O2 gases, the partial pressure of Cl2 is 0.200 atm. The total pressure is 0.495 atm. The temperature is 32.0oC. If the total volume of the gas mixture is 349 mL, what is the m of O2 in grams?

In the Twilight series, what is Felix's power?

Yes, it is in New Moon. I don't think Felix's power was mentioned in it though... keep looking just in case.

When does milk expire if it is frozen?

I recently heard on tv that a good way to save money is to buy milk on sale and freeze it. I inadvertantly froze milk before when I forgot it in the trunk of my car this winter; it was still white and tasted fine. However, a few weeks ago I decided to try this and I bought a gallon and stuck it in the freezer. It was the 1/2%. It turned slightly yellow as it froze and now I am ready to drink it and want to put it in the fridge to thaw it. Here's my issue: will it go back to turning white? Also, the expiration date was a week or two ago; since it has been frozen, do I have to drink it within a certain period of time? Or when I freeze milk, does it still have to be consumed before the expiration?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

How is evolution any more logical than creationism?

Its not chance, its evoloution. Whats more logical: things changing extremly slowly over thousands of years (which can be seen nowadays in,for example, people from very spread out areas being taller to facilitate easier motion, or being shorter to retain hear in cold places) or an omniscient being who is never seen and could easily send us proof of his/her existance, yet persistantly doesn't, creating everthing by their own will?

Would you vote for Hillary?

No. Not even a fortnight subsequent to the enthalpy of Gehenna decreasing sufficiently for all matter to crystallize

Is the nokona bloodline catchers mitt good or too small?

My highschool coach wants me to switch to catcher. I dont know what size to get. Is this good, any other suggestion

Is Avatar just a mixture of The Smurfs,Juric Park and The Terminator?

Some of the characters resemble those of Terminator and Juric Park though the message the movie sends is different and a very good message. I (19yrs) and my parents (40yrs) really enjoyed it, though my brother (21yrs) didn't so much. The beginning can be hard to understand but as the movie goes on it is really self explanatory and a great movie you should see (ESPECIALLY AMAZING IN 3D)!

First time tips. how painfull, and im not even sure i will know how to start... :S?

It will depend on how small you are and how large he is, as to how much pian there will be. You can help your self by streatching your self with your fingers. Start one at a time and work up to where you can insert 3 finger. That will help reduce the pain when he inters you. Make sure you use pleanty of and are realy wet before you start. It may be wise to get a small tube of KY gel to help lubricrate your self before he tries to enter you. That will also help reduce any pain. With doing those two thing it will keep the pain to a mimimum. There is still going to be some pain but it will not be real bad. Make sure that he uses a condom for protedtion. Do not expect to much the very first time. It will not last very long but it will get better the more you do it and the pain will go away. Good Luck and have fun and be safe.

Protein synthesis and DNA?

Well, if there is a transcription error during replication, you end up making a whole new protein. Depending on the error, it could be the same amino acid, but a different sequence. This may, or may not, affect the actual protein made. If that transcription error happens to be a stop codon, no protein is made at all, because the stop codon tells the ribosome to stop making that particular protein.

What happened to this game anyone remember it?

thought of another game I had played as a kid that, even after a few hours of searching I cannot find. The game was pretty easy to spot back then because it was about a Wallaby. If I recall correctly, the game was called 'Wallaby Jack in The Lost Leonardo'. The game was basically point and click, the bad guy was an alligator/crocodile caracter and, at the end of the game, there was a race to finish a maze to beat the final boss.

Need help with a riddle!?

A bullet has a head, goes fast, I'd say some people would get pretty damn excited at hearing that. Made of metal. You could hold it in your hands and they're pretty much everywhere

Is it true water ruins the grip on a skate shoe??

cuzz i need to know beaucse sum ppl sya it doesn tsum people said it does and i get new emericas jeery hsu's and i dont wnat the grip to get ******

Take the F?

so i have a problem w/ school. i have this cl that i wnat to drop, but i don't know if its too late. i'm totally gone from that cl, i don't know anything, totally bomb on da first test, and might do the same on the next, cuz i've been so lost. i can't afford to fail. all the dates to withdraw, and get refunds are ped, so i don't know. a reason i don't know if i can drop it is, i get a grant, and i need a certain amount of credit for that grant. i dont' want it to mess up my aid, or i guess i'm asking will it mess up aid. we're almost half done w/ the confused

My almost 18 year old is interested in buying his first car. It's a 1988 Honda Prelude 2.os Coupe 2.oL L4 FI

It seems to be in good shape body wise other than a little rust around the gas cap and the same side on wheel well. Seems well maintained and we are getting an Esso check on it. My question is this a good car and what are the hidden quirks to it. IS IT WORTH $1150.00?

Zac Efron, Hayden Panettiere, Vanessa Hudgens and The Jonas Brothers. Democrats or Republicans?

i think they all r democratic and to the person who said Jonas Brothers r NOT democratic, they r!!!!

Can the apache rtr 160 back side alloy wheel get repaired?

I observed a small change in the rotating angle? Or Shall I go for a replacement? What will be the price?

If organized religion were true then why weren't they taught to the whole world spread to the whole world?

Exactly why I don't follow any religion. Too many contradictions and yes if there was one true way then would not god or whatever deity being followed have everybody on the same page?

Do you think Australia deserves to be called 3rd best? Is anyone or more from Eng, Sri Lanka, NZ & WI better?

yes they are on no. 3 today.. but cant say about tomorrow as yesterday india dont know that they would be at no.2 ... and aus still are world champions

Which solid will precipitate last?

The Ksp values for CaSO4, BaSO4, and Ag2SO4 are 2.0 x 10�4, 1.5 x 10�9, and 1.5 x 10�5 respectively. If 0.010 M Na2SO4 is slowly added to a solution that contains Ca2+, Ba2+, and Ag+ (each 0.10M), which solid will precipitate last?

Was overdue 2days for my period and spotted,was gone the next day?

my LMP was 30/12/06.i am a very regular 28 cycle chick,give and take 1 day and my period lasts 4-5 days.i was ova due 3 days in feb and on the 2/02/07 i spotted but not enuf to full a tampon also the blood being brown and pink.blood was gone the nxt day.not liking periods at all i ddnt think nothing of it and just carried on my biz.come premenstral which i thort wer very sore to touch.come end of feb i was so tired i could hardly get up.then in march noing my period was due yet again i got nothing.had a hpt and it was very much point is i am now on my 36week and 3rd child tho very confused as wen i went for my scan it was 4weeks out from my period.i do not no wen i concieved and yes my partner and i had unpro in jan and feb.could i have been pregnant b4 premenstrual wen i had sore ...things have changed so much since my last child.has any1 had this happen to them...i just wanted to no bout all these symtoms i had...thanx 2 any1 hu can coment

Why did christians come up with creationism?

Why do you oppose evolution so much that you had to invent a branch of science all your own? Can't you just accept that you may be wrong on the matter? I just want to see the answers I get, all are welcome to comment.

The Joker in other Batman Movie?

I think the joker should still be included in future batman movies because I don't think heath ledger would want the joker legacy to die

Who else has this problem? read...?

im 16 right, and i run like a cheetah, im active, i dance, im 5'2 and my measurements are 39, 32, 40 and i weigh 144 with a little belly but like whenever i take the BMI test thing online it says im at risk of being over can i possibly be at risk!? im more of the petite athletic type because like i stated before, i like to run and dance and im joining track this wtf is up with this scale? should i stop looking at it? who else has this problem..oh yeah also, what do guys really think about girls who are active but still have a little tummy?

How to get this boy to like my bff?!?! ( help!!! )?

Hi, my bff has like a huge crush on this boy..actually more than a crush. They are the same age but in different level. Eg. She is like suppose to be grade 6 but instead in grade 3. Like that. They meet once a week. He does not have a gf. He 'kinda' likes her? They meet a lot in the train and bus and during recess but do not talk cuz they don't know each other! He is going to be here for 1 year only!! So please help!!! Pretty please!!!!!

Do you think this is a good art cl idea?

the interaction will be great, and there's a clear goal/result. it's nice that they have to use different talents. and it's a good thing they will learn there's no 'right' way to do it, there will be personal styles and preferences. are you planning to discuss with the group members why they did what they did?

Are you surprised that Rwanda has gone from genocide to prosperity by embracing economic freedom?

I'm not surprised at all. The key to having a free successful country is by having economic freedom, not the socialist system that obama seems to want. I don't think the majority of his followers even know what he's talking about when he starts ranting about Wal-Mart and Microsoft and Dell. But if he ever got elected, this country would plummet into a deep dark hole very quickly. He wants to tax major businesses 75%, and limit their profits to very little.

Which route is better? ROTC or Early Commissioning?

I've been accepted to Marion Military Institute and another college which holds a ROTC program. Marion has an Early Commissioning program that allows me to become a second lieutenant within two years and transfer to another school. The other school on the other hand has just a plain ROTC program in which I'll do it for 4 years and head to OTS. Both in which, have a scholarship for both. I love both schools, but I'm still debating on which one would be best for me. Help?

Talks of girls, is he into me or wat or just not, is he trying to make me jealous or jus mates?

would he chat bout other girls if he liked me? he offered to tech me how to cook and that i should visit him at his as he recently started appearing at my house, calling n texing mire which is strange. we argued the other day and i told him to leave me alone, only because i'm scared of him getting too close, i can't even hug him, he always offers these day but i be rude. i miss him, he called but i told him to leave me. we were meant to go pictures that he offerd but he didnt mention it again just keeps asking me when am i free or wat am i doing the following week. compliments me then finds a fault and says my name to ask a question then says forget it. i do like himbut i just can't read him at all.

How is it Hugh Hefner manages to captivate the interest of such young girls?

I happened to watch an episode of "The girls next door" recently while zapping through the channels, and it occurred to me that these very young girls appear to be competing for the romantic attention of an 85 year old man. Now, I realize they are probably in it for the money, and I'm fairly certain that even if you were to double the sum of their I.Q.'s, the result still wouldn't exceed 100- but what drives these young women to do something like this? Do you think they really do love Hugh Hefner, or is it really all about money and fame? If they really DO love him and are serious about being with him (regardless of the money involved, of course), are they suffering from some sort of psychological disorder, or is it generally accepted for 20-something women to hook up with men in their eighties? Just curious....

What was that one SNL skit where it was the update thing with seth meyers where..?

andy samberg played a turkey or something and he kept nameing famous people like feather locklier and stuff. does anyone know what it is called or where i can find it.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Mac OS is the trademark-protected name for a series of graphical user interface-based operating systems developed by Apple Inc. (formerly Apple Computer, Inc.) for their Macintosh line of computer systems. The Macintosh user experience is credited with popularizing the graphical user interface. The original form of what Apple would later name the "Mac OS" was the integral and unnamed system software first introduced in 1984 with the original Macintosh, usually referred to simply as the System software.

What was the greatest ancient army of all time?

I'm also going to say the Ottoman Empire. They were in control of the Middle East, found a way to keep Europe out of the equation, learned how to successfully employ pirates (Black Beard), and all while allowing the people they conquered to rule themselves with very little intervention from a central government.

In the movie raise your voice staring hilary duff..............?

in the movie when Hilary duff gets to the place there are people sitting up on stage in the auditorium thing and when everyone sits down, the people on the stage start playing a song on the violins. Now it's clical i know that. However I'm not sure what its called an or who its by like Mozart or Bock or Beethoven. please please please help i realy need to know what it is!!! thanks!

Would this grammatically make sense?

Your critic is right. You can't use "atop" like that. Maybe you could have him propel his eyes to the apex of their sockets.

When is Richard Ramirez's execution date in California?

Well wait a minute they did away with it there didn t he gets to just hangout till death huh?

Dog drinking white vinegar ok?

i think your dog needs to see a vet and get on appropriate flea prevention and the appropriate cleaner and medication for the ears ... that is what would be best for your pup ... do not treat when you do not know what it is for, i.e., you do not know it is yeast so how can you treat for that ??? apple cider vinegar can work a bit for fleas, the dog would have to be consuming apple cidar vinegar and have it applied to the coat (ever smelled that stuff ???) for it to have any effect whatsoever ... bring the pup to the vet ... if the dog has recurrent ear infections it could be allergies and you might have to change the food ... no white vinegar !!!

Do you agree, one of the coolest parts of a match is the crowd reaction?

Yes audieicne reaction can help make a good match look like a great match just look as The Rock vs Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania 18

Do you think harold and kumar go to whitle castle, have any relation with the society we live in today?

somewhat...yeah i guess so. I mean the stereotypes are mostly what I see as relevant. Like just because you're indian you have to be a doctor or a lawyer or something really smart, or the stoners, and the african americans, and the cops. i mean, what I saw in the movie seemed like a bunch of stereotypes. So I would probably compare those with the ones in today's society.

Can you spray alloy moped wheels?

Unless you prepare the surface correctly and remove the tyres to do it it will not look good for long as the paint will not adhere correctly.

I know Zanny has a civil case against Casey Anthony, but what are the other two?

Since I know for a fact there are three, open civil cases against casey anthony. Zannys is the most well known, what are the two other civil cases about? Will we see a wrongful death law suite against George and Cindy?

Top scorer for the ashes prediction?

Hughes and Katich were impressive for Australia in South Africa and as I've said in nmy other question today Bopara has scored 3 consecutive tons, also strauss is averaging 175 in his last 3 innings. Who do you pick will be the top scorer in the ashes, one of these guys or someone else, perhaps Ponting finding some more form or Cook getting back in the groove?

Andre Ward vs. Mikkel Kessler - who wins?

I want Andre Ward to do well. So far in the Showtime Super 6 the United States has taken a back seat to the European talent base. I think for Andre to win he will need to take his fight game up a notch to be able to compete with a very competent and tough opponent in Mikkel Kessler. This is uncharted territory Andre and this is probably the first time feeling this kind of pressure to win since turning pro. He does have the tools to frustrate Kessler and will need to concentrate on not giving an advantage. Meaning he will need to be aware of Kessler's power and not be caught in a situation where he lets Mikkel get easy points on either a knockdown or standing 8. If this goes to the cards I believe with no knockdowns against him Andre Ward will be the clear winner.

Joining the Air Force: Time Frame Help?

To get accepted in the Intelligence community you need to have really high ASVAB scores. A lot of people when they hear "CIA" or "Jason Bourne" think of cloak and dagger spy stuff. AAAAA!. Wrong answer. It's mostly paperwork paperwork, and more paperwork. Poly Sci and related studies would be a route.

Publishing articles LLC in local newspapers New York?

does anyone could tell me how much it could cost to publish articles in a local newspaper in Manhattan, New York as a law requires after creating an LLC?

Help with interpreting poetry?

This poet is part of a flawed humanity and feels deeply the wrongs perpetrated in the name of mankind. She does reflect that at least recognising all the ills of mankind is a start towards improving the situation.

Is he playing.. hard to get? or is he just a player?

....didnt you just ask a question about another guy you really like that is 19. Stop worrying about boys and worry about school.

What can a 15 year old girl do in vegas?

i won a contest and i always hear tht vegas is like the party and gambling capitol of the world but they wouldnt let me in2 the casinos and stuff which is stupid :( so what can a 15 year old girl do in vegas (PLEASE FUN, NOT STUPID STUFF!!!!!) and exhaust like evry single thing i could possibly do!!!

How do you really know what is forbidden?

I think you have to decide for yourself what is forbidden. For me that is anything that would hurt someone else, or the world I have to leave to the next generation. I certainly do not meet that mark all the time, but I try.

My computer wallpaper changed to ads...?

I was just on my computer, and I noticed that m wallpaper had changed to a vey wierd backgrund. It has ads, like on a website, and they are links. I don't clickhe, but they say thing lke "Will you live to be 80-Click to find out", "Why are you so tired", "How to know you are having a bad day, and at the bottom is says things like "Love letter", and "Fun to be with". Also, there are banners for Netflix and Wachovia at the tp and side. Please, if you know what this is, please tell , and if you how to fix it th would be great too!

Is John Conner a cyborg too?!?

In the new terminator movie near the end when they are escaping skynet and john conner is all muffed up and they show his face where its all ripped up.. it really looks like metal in the splits.. am i the only person who noticed that??

2nd Pick in a PPR draft, who would you take?

I have the second pick in a PPR league. I'm really stuck on who to pick. Can't decide between MJD, Forte, or going with a reliable WR in Fitzgerald or A.Johnson. Who would you pick and why? Thank you so much for your thoughts. Best of luck in your leagues.

Christians, does your Bible resemble a child's Coloring Book more than it does a "Holy Book"?

Some people like to underline in many important books. Leave your poor Mom alone. The Bible is a clic. A clic is not judged by you. You are judged by the clic... ummmmm I guess that shows you fail.

Why is imagery used in poems?

Imagery is what makes poetry. Without concrete imagery, it's just a bunch of obscure writing that strikes nobody in any particularly special way. With imagery, we can turn a "broken heart" into a heaving chest, hot sweats, aching bones, etc. It gives it most of it's soul.

Whose at fault? Need info....?

If the woman received a citation ..she's at fault, no way out for her. Simply tell the ins. company.

Why did McCain and Kerry betray their country and the POWs during senate hearings?

Starting at 2:05, one POW talks about how McCain and Kerry actually walked out on his testimony--along with others--so that they won't be forced to look into the missing MIA/POW cases. This is a hearing that McCain alone fought to not have in the first place! They disrespected the vets and American democracy! Shouldn't they both be forced to resign for being traitors?

What's a good 'step-up' viola?

At this point you need to visit a string store and try several instruments. You can't know what a viola will sound like by knowing the brand. Even two instruments of the same brand and model can differ enormously. Once you have some definite ideas about what you want in a viola you need to find one that suits you, so a trip to the string store is your next step.

To play Blu Ray on Media Centre PC, does the motherboard have to be HDCP compliant as well as the video card?

well to play Blu Ray you need an HDCP ready graphics card which im uming your 3450 is, if not there are 8500/8600 nvidia cards that are, a HDCP ready monitor which can be costly, a Blu Ray player, and software that can play Blu Ray video's like PowerDVD 8 Ultra or WinDVD 9 Plus, so your motherboard as long as it has a blu ray drive installed and has a HDCP video card with an HDCP monitor, will be able to play Blu Ray

Who to replace Adrian Peterson?

Pick up Morris...Shaun Alexander is still recovering from injuries and he will be lucky if he gets a share of the carries with Morris....Morris has done spectacular for Seattle both as a running back and he is also acting in as a WR...he's getting plenty of catches and plenty of rushing yards and will probably score a TD or two...

Adidas f50+ help ! ?

To me it looks like u can't use them on turf, the turf shoes have a much smaller studs and more bast number of studs on the sole. The studs ur saying can be use on soft natural surfaces not turf.

Can anyone do a dream interpretation?

Either you and your girlfriend are going to have together in a couple days, something tragic may happen to your bike or car If you have one, or you girlfriend is cheating on you or talking to another guy, or even hanging out with some guy... GOOD LUCK DUDE

Could Michael Jordan do what Hakeem Olajuwon and Tim Duncan did?

The reason they Dominated was because they were bigmen. They did everything with a little help from theur teammates. Its really hard for Someone like Jordan to win all by himself since he would need a legit Center to get the team's rebounds and blocks.

When will lockerz restock in december?

i really want to get a prize and i tried 3 times before but i couldn't. also, tht lockerz restock countdown is gone and i need to know when they will restock.

How much is this computer im getting from dell. with monitor and mosue included.?

Go to Dell ( a href="" rel="nofollow" ) and build one to see what they charge.

How is my Maid of Honor speech?

That's absolutely beautiful. I about teared up reading that. Don't change a thing. Your sister will love it. :)

Video/Graphics Drivers for ADVENT 5611?

I've searched everywhere, and I mean everywhere to try and find the video/graphics drivers as I didn't get any drivers CD with my ADVENT laptop. I've called TechGuys and they say I would need to buy a recovery media but I'm not prepared to pay �35. If anyone can find video/graphics drivers or a bundle of drivers for ADVENT 5611 or even different ADVENT versions, I'll see if they work. cheers.

Friday, August 12, 2011

How can I become a member in a LLC that already has 2 members? what would my share profit be?

there's this restaurant i'm interested to put money in. my friend has 51% and his partner 49%. my friend needs money and i'm able to put more than his partner but less than him. the problem is that this partner is also the administrator of the restaurant and doesnt want to give up his 49% neither his roll. Can my buddy take him out of that position and redo the whole share profit proportionally since he is the "majority" and put me in?

Are we attacking community organizers now?

I watched VP Palin's speech last night, and she attacked Obama by saying community organizers do not have any real responsbilities. Isn't she attacking her base as well by making such a comment? Not that she would lose any evangelical voters as a result. I think more evangelicals would vote for her because she goes to church, then women who would vote for her because she is a woman. Already I can tell that this election will become an election of ideologies (again), and not the issues. I am just curious if her comment will become an issue because a lot of community organizers, especially in small towns like mine, come from churches, schools, or the YMCA; not the government. And isn't the PTA a community organization itself? If that's correct then she attacked herself.

Why did Cubs Fans blame Steve Bartman for their teams' failure in 2003?

I, personally, don't believe for one bit that Steve Bartman had anything to do with the Cubs blowing a 3-2 lead in the 2003 NLCS. The Cubs were the ones responsible for losing the 2003 NLCS. A big error in Game 6 along with Prior and Farnsworth's implosion plus Kerry Wood's disappointing Game 7 performance is the reason why the Cubs loss in 2003. When a ball is off the playing field and into the stands, the ball is up for grabs and fans have a right to go for it. That's what Steve Bartman AND OTHER fans did so Cub fans really need to stop with the nonsense. Face it, the Marlins were the better team and they proved it in both the NLCS and the World Series. As a Yankee fan, it hurted but the Marlins were more hungrier than every other team.

There is now a large bright light under and to the left of Antares. Not a star or planet. What is it?

In the last few weeks we have noticed a large bright light under and to the left of Antares in the Scorpio Constellation. If a star, it has never been there before; if a planet, why is it not moving to the left upon its planetary path? What is it? I am observing from the Southern Hemisphere in South Africa.

Did the bigot Behar and the fat black racist woman learn something from O'reilly today?

yess they did as Bill showed them their role in my opinion, he exposed them in a way that even Barabra Wahwah had to get on them for walking off

How do i cite Anna rice's interview with a vampire in MLA format, the book not the movie?

i dont have the book and i have a paper due tomorrow lol so i need the MLA format......please and thank you..for her book not the movie..........but for the movie as well would be good, now that i think about it :)

Why do atheist's care to get so involved in religion?

I'm an atheist and when I see that the atheist group or whatever have gotten rid of crosses representing deceased troopers, I can't understand why. As an atheist I don't care if there are crosses, or in god we trust on our money. I don't believe in god but i'm glad some people do because the bible teaches good ethical practices. And if you can't just be a good person because it's the right thing to do, and a bible helps you, good for you. But I don't want to push my non-belief on people or stop other people from having their beliefs. This is why people think were arrogant a holes.

Help!!! i just got a call from lily?

i'va had a job b4 at mrs.fields and i got the job, i wore nice khaki wide leg pants, black flats, a black on down type short-sleeve shirt with puff sleeves, a long beaded black necklace (not the cheap 1's ewww). Since i had got that job with that outfit do you think i should wear it again? or like what, im lost.

Is a degree obtained in USA valid to work in Mexico?

i have an AA degree in Radiation therapy. I could alredy work as an xray technician/radiation therapists but i plan on relocating to Zamora michoacan mexico since all my familys their. i know theyre pay is way lower but it doesnt matter. Im wondering if a degree obtained here in LA valid in mexico? do you think theyll be any openings? anyy sugestion on how to acomplish this? thanks?

Are you shocked Boise State had zero 1st place votes in the Coaches poll?

Absolutely not. Watched the game yesterday and wasn't overly impressed by either team. Boise's good but can you really look at them compared to an Alabama and say they're a better team? No.

Where can I find a cross body purse for Juniors?

I am looking for a cross body purse, because I usually lose other purses or wallets. I am looking for one under $100. I have looked on multiple websites such as Macy's, Roxy, PacSun, and Hot topic. I love all colors and colorful things or a black purse. I love the coach purse that is flat and goes over your body that is black, but it is too expensive. I don't want one that has fringes on the bottom or studs. I would love some advice on where to find one! Thank you so much!

Is activated carbon for alcohol filtering safe to ingest?

I was wondering what the difference between medical grade activated carbon and the AC for filtering alcohol. Both are food grade right? Is there any difference? Would it be safe to ingest the one made for alcohol filtering if using as a home remedy for stomach upset or poisoning?

Who will replace the fab,Sachin,Ganguly,Lak… and Kumble.?

Now adays it has become a favorite topic.The selectors are scratching but none seems to answer this question.Then is it a mere hyperbolic question?

Do female animals have menstrual cycles and menopause?

I honestly don't know... I think my female cat bled once in her life but I don't think it's a monthly thing. LOL sorry for the ignorance I am just curious today!

WHAT ARE THE MANY NAMES OF ALLAH/SATAN?? Can you think of any of them, And how does it attack men and women?

The muslim call their false god the it of many names, and also call it the big deceiver, the Lord Jesus told us of allah/satan/deceiver and told us to stay away from it and never believe it! He called the muslims it of many names the author of Lies in John the 8th Chapter, author of lies, meaning big deceiver! Who does a deceiver first deceive? Itself and any who believe its lies and worship it! Lets list just a few of its false names, that satan/allah has had! beelzebub, moloch, remphan, accuser, slanderer, author of lies/budda! Death being its only true name and that also is merely a term for nothing! Can you think of any of its other false names? How does satan attack people? By its false words, accusations, slander, thoughts of suicide, and sickness it literally is the very act of suicide as our Lord proved in Matthew 4:1-10! death has been found by science, and is the 8 unclean spirits our Lord God forewarned us of, and they can now literally be seen due to science now reproving Gods Word, and mystery...go google Adam and Eve seed gathering and therein on the about page and services page are images of death/satan the author of lies, the it of many names...It has begun.. contact if need more info.

Management of Puberty menorrhagia?

fifteen year old girl has presented to me with BPV for 2 days.She is soaking almost 7-8 napkins per day.LLMP 15 days back.that time she bled for almost 20 days off and on.her haemogram, thyroid profile is WNL.Ultrasound Pelvis showed normal uterus size, ET=12mm, adnexa normal.Previous cycle managed with Texid-MF tds and Daflon-BD.Right now same medicines being given.How to proceed further?

How to raise a cat in a small house?

Use very positive rewards -- with your voice and petting -- to encourage him to go elsewhere. When he goes on the bench say no in a firm voice and put him down. He'll eventually know by your voice. Be patient, however, it may take a little time. Can you create a nice bed for him in another part of the house with a special blanket?

My 3 year old daughter has swollen non painfull lymph nodes on the left side of her neck?

we have been to the doc and she told us to wait 2 weeks to see if they are still there, but i have looked on the net and im worried sick, i just need some reasurrance that im not over reacting. she is well in herself

Finally .......... ??

BREAKING: Paul Bearer backstage RIGHT NOW at the RAW tapings! The Undertaker to RETURN TONIGHT AS WELL? Both are backstage +++ Kane storyline CONTINUES.. we have MAJOR SPOILERS now at NOW!

Couple of fantasy football trades.?

Definately do NOT do trades 1 or 3. I'm partial to A. Johnson so it would be hard for me to do trade 2 as well, but ......

Why did God create Eden?

God created Eden, he created the tree of knowledge and God created Eve with curiousity and then he created the snake to enter the garden, then he blamed mankind for original sin but isn,t God guilty of entraptment?

Should people be allowed to marry, no matter who they love?

I can't believe ry has become so favored by normal people nowadays. By the way, 'gay' is the slang and ry is the proper term. It just goes to show that with enough propaganda, the mes will swallow anything at all. What particular perversion will be in vogue next year? Perhaps people marrying animals or maybe blow-up dolls? Have the mes always been so easily manipulated by the delusions of the few? I truly think so. It must be a weakness of the human nature.

Since Obama won, who are the Electoral College Electors required to vote for in December?

Obama has already won. Is it a requirement that the Electoral College Electors vote for the winner? How will this work?

Please tell me what graphics card would be best for combat arms and some other games?

Well I just bought a radeon hd 4350 1gb graphics card at my local best buy and its good for one under $100 i got mine for 79.99 but once you get it make sure you update it with the catacalysm update if you get it

What did Bush do in the United States?

I never read anything about him except about the U.S. involvement with Kuwait's when Saddam launch an attack. George H.W. Bush.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What do yall folks thank???

of the name Caden Braz Morris... it's my future nephews name Caden is our last name and Braz is my brother in law's grandfather my brother in law also is a namesake of his grandfather

How do the temperature and relative humidity of warm air change as the air ascends?

Temperature decreases by about 6.5�/km. Humidity decreases because as the air becomes colder, it loses its ability to hold moisture.

Why are Sports Leagues generally exempt from Affirmative Action policies?

It's basically a business of private contractors. You have to be the best to be offered a contract, and there are very few people who have the skills to offer. There are millions of people all qualified for office jobs, but only a select handful of people who are qualified to be professional athletes.

Please help me with diamond decision?

by the sounds of it she wants a cushion cut diamond wich are my favorite if you want a perfect diamond you will pay more that means no cloudieness, or spots, cracks or anything like that

What is a good research paper topic.. Relating to music/ guitars in some way.?

I have to write a research paper with at least 5 sources, 5 pages, MLA Format. And i have no clue what to write about. It has to be debatable and about my senior project, which is playing the guitar. He said it can be about music.

Quick economics question, easy 10 points!?

A. In the example you provide the price of the euro rose relative to dollars; where it previously cost 1.02 euros to purchase a dollar it now costs only 0.87 euros. This movement implies the affordability of European goods by holders of dollars has declined, and so net exports are reduced. The decline in exports also implies GDP will also fall since the balance of trade is a component of how GDP is calculated (X-M).

Need a signature card from Wells Fargo bank?

They ask me for your account number and name on the account. Please email them to SigCard dot Yahooanswers dot jim27106 at dfgh dot net. (That quirky address allows me to sort my email.)

Anyone else impressed with PJ Harvey and Bjork?

I haven't checked out a whole lot of PJ Harvey but I am impressed with Bj�rk. There aren't that many pop artists who last more than a decade and wasn't ever as renown as Michael Jackson or Madonna but she still seems to prevail with no trouble after all these years.

Wat do u think of ppl dat tipe lke thiss?

Watch this video --->>> a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Alloy Wheels for my 206 ?

Well if u live in Australia u dont have much choice with a 206, since there stud pattern is unique 4x108, offset 20-25-28, centre bore 65.1 an they always said to me your choices of style wheels are limited 16's are preferred but difficult to get some for a 206 in AUS, but 17's look MUCH nicer, but i prevailed an got some i have the Arospeed RS-GT 205/40 17 well if ur from Europe there are heaps of availabilities, and with spoiler go to UK ebay there are a few people who are selling them..

Which is fact based on the evidence? Creationism or Evolution?

Evolution. Scientist have a lot of evidence proving evolution exists, both for just evolving species and the creation of life. Creationism, however, only has the word of ancient books and religious people. People make up stuff for things they do not understand (such as with the ancient Egyptians) and it is no different with Creationism.

Is Cindy McCain one of the Stepford Wives?

Not sure, but I can't wait until McCain loses so idiots like the guy above me can move on with his silly race-baiting comments. Regardless if her opinion was unpopular or not people like the guy above me should realize that she is not the only one "dissing" America. Sometimes criticism and correction is the only way that things can change and progress. Being nauseously patriotic yet supporting an un-ethical un-american war is not very wise or American either. It is pandering to blind conservatives that want to continue down a path of rich get richer, poor get screwed, and it doesnt matter as long as I continue to get wealthier and pull the strings on everyone else. American deserved to get "dissed" for some of its previous atrocities against its own citizens. Doesn't mean we love it any less. We love it a great deal. But just like a dad that is an alcoholic we may love him but he needs to be criticized and helped so that he can do what is best for himself and his family. Make sense dude? Or is that too much for your small close-minded brain to comprehend?

Okay to re-freeze half thawed burger and venison?!?

I just went to get a roast out of my deep freezer, which we keep in our entry way. Well, I noticed it's not working and my meat is half thawed! There's about 50 lbs of beef in there and about 20 lbs of venison! The big things like steak and roasts are still frozen, but the venison burger we made ourselves is just in freezer bags and it thawed out. It's still cold in there, so it's like the meat has been in the fridge, is it okay to re-freeze that meat or should we just toss it?

I have ear problems and dont know what's wrong please help me!?

Ok so I have really bad ear problems. In May I was told it was Eustation tube dissfunction and it would never go away. Then it got worse when I got a cold and I ended up putting tubes in thinking everything would be better after. It wasnt so I went back to the doctor. She then told me it was bad sinus. So i got an mri and a cat scan and they saw nothing. Then I went again and they told me it was TMJ so I have been treating that but no improvement now they are saying i should take acid medicine and it will help. My ears feel like they are really congested and swollen. Eating makes it worse but I have to eat. I have been dealing with all of this for a year now and I am still miserable, I am almost suicidal it is so bad. I am a kid and have not been able to live my life.. If anyone has a solution please tell me!

Do you think the people complaining about TSA pat downs of old women and children are aware of this?

I hear you, but hiring potential pedophiles to feel up little children and molest women is not the way to go.

My yahoo messenger says that if I leave the site i will no longer receive IM's.What's happening?

i loaded yahoo messenger 8 on my computer but when i try to leave the site it's at a box comes up saying that if i leave i will no longer be able to receive IMs. is this normal or is something wrong with my computer? any help is appreciated.

Do you know this?

Yes, actually I did know that everyone has this option that goes to the IRS website...when I was in college we had a lecture and did exercises on the different things that was available on this was very informative...thanks for asking though..take care & peace

Why does my vote not count?

If you read Article II of the Constitution and you think just a little you will discover the president who represents the Union, not the people (people are represented in congress) is elected by the states. The states currently have chosen to employ a popular vote by the people to select their electors who place the states votes by proxy. You vote directly for those who are supposed to represent you. The states representation to the federal government was usurped by the 17th amendment. You will never properly understand the way the government is supposed to work and why it was structured that way without serious study. Your question is uninformed. Every state small or large gets 2 Electors because it has 2 Senators. We were not supposed to vote for Senators either. They originally were elected by state legislatures. If you think business and industry have more influence than you repeal the 17th Amendment.

Am i crazy or am i sick?

This is very interesting haha. But yeah obviously something is not right here. I can relate to some of the things you said, like being paranoid, having panic attacks & anxiety. But i'm 16 + depressed, and you're 13? That's pretty bad to have problems like this when you're just starting teenage life. So are you depressed too? You've talked to your parents or someone right? Don't forget to visit your doctor & tell him everything you said here.

This dress in different colors?

Your sister doesn't know what she's talking about. No one really remembers what anybody was like in middle school anyway. Its a pretty dress...go for it!

Are some of these things from Jewish law (Talmud) true?

It's all crap. But since I'm Jewish, you probably won't believe me because of Baba Yaga or whatever.

Do you think George Clooney would have been good in Rescue Me?

Don't get me wrong I like Dennis Leary as Gavin but I think George Clooney would have played it well too. What do you guys think?

What is that new Song called?

What is the song called that talks about Gandhi and Nelson Mandela in the beginning? It is kinda hip hop // rap. Pretty new and popular!

My secrets out wat do i do?

my friend told this boy hoo i liked that i liked him i a wearing a hoody 2 cover my face but i need help

Which cell is better for a 13 year old guy a blackjack or sidekick?

It depends on what your going to be doing. Messaging will be a lot easier on the Sidekick, and business apps and others will be "better" on the Blackjack. But I'd say for a thirteen year old the Sidekick would be a much better choice.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Honestly what does he want !?

Just ask him. Guys have problems with intimate or serious conversations, a lot of the time. If you start out to ask him what he wants, and ure him that you'll listen to what he has to say, then I'm sure he'll tell you. ^_^

Star and predictions for boy born on 22 Jan 2007 at 10 PM?

I want to know the star and predictions of astro/horoscope of a new born boy on 22 Jan 2007 at 10 PM

How can i grow more armpit hair?

how can i grow more armpit hair is there an easy way? if you answer this question i really dont want any answers that say ewww thats gross please answer honestly no dumb answers thank you!!!

What is PCI Extreme slot?

the pci-e x16 slot is just for graphics cards. you can pick up x16 graphics cards for cheap. haha ur right about ati cards being crap.

Why do most atheists pursue spreading their "faith" with the same fervor as the evangelicals they hate?

HA. good question and so so apt! Obviously you are going to get some strong denials; I have no quarrel with Atheists per se but on this site they seem to be particularly venomous and go on the attack rather more often with with rather more violence than necessary to make their feelings known and honestly, I do find the same traits in them that they condemn in others who do not share their beliefs or lack thereof.

I have two 12" JBL subs and a 1800watt Pyle amp and I need help?

The other day I had both of these JBL-GT1241D 12" Woofer hooked up to the PLA2210 1800W 2-Channel Chopper Amp and they sounded GREAT! but now i am having problems. When I hook them up now the sound crappy the have no b unless I bridge one of them. What am i doing wrong now?

What am i supposed to do?help,please(for guys&girls)?

ok i know this is a typical ques. but there's that guy in my college whom i'm desperately in love with...he doesn't know me...well i've liked him for 2 years now but he didn't notice me,i tried to make him do ,but he did'nt seem to notice anyone & all people say that he's arrogant as all the girls stare at him,but this year i've observed that he looks at me,&stares when i p with my friends but i didnt look at him so as not to make him arrogant again..the confusing part is that he stares at me one day & ignores me for a while then again stares...etc,besides i've never ever seen him stares at other girls,the last time he did it i looked at him& he didnt turn his face then when i was near him at the same day he just stood up moved his hair & left......i don't know whether he likes me,or he's arrogant or what..he's driving me crazy.......i really appreciate every answer & advice as i really need it

I'm buying an investment residential property, Do I buy it in the name of my new LLC or Personal Name?

My LLC has just been established; however it has no ets and little credit history. However, I was told this is a great way to limit personal liability. What do you suggest? Also if your answer to transfer it into my LLC after I purchased the property how does that work and is it hard to do? What is the cost?

I need some help with Science...?

A genotype is normally abbreviated using just one particular letter to represent the alleles for a particular trait, where a capital shows a dominant allele and lower case means recessive. If one allele is dominant and the other is recessive, then it is heterozygous (hybrid). If I tell you that the answer to (7) is B then you should be able to understand it. Hope that helps!

What song should I sing in my talent show?

I would like to pick something current that is kind of faster so I can move around instead of just standing there. I was considering love like woe by the ready set. Does anyone have some other ideas?

Are your grandchildren the icing on the cake?

I had a day with 2 of my granddaughters this week and it just got me counting my blessings. We had such fun!

Creationist can you help me?

God went Bam Bang BOOM then there was adam and eve! What's so scientifical about that? Next they'll be talking about turning water into wine or walking on water in science. The only way I can see them teaching this stuff in a science cl is if they go in debt as how this supposedly happened using experiments or what not.

I think that what the network thinks is best it really is not i enjoyed watching the shows did any else?

if i could i wouold love to cancle the net work to show them how it fells you know they would not know a good show if it hit them

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Mohammed Ashraful?

I was watching Bangladeshs match against all teams, and man the only good batsman i saw was Ashraful even at this age the types of shot he does are just amazing his batting skills are just awsome what do you all think and did you see that "cheeky backhand shot" (thats what the comentaters call it i dont know whats the real name) thats just awsome Give me your rating on Ashraful

Getting a key lime pie more tart without making it runny from too much juice?

add some tapioca to the lemon juice, or corn starch, about one heaping tablespoon and stir then mix in well., you could also try to simmer the juice ,with extra in it to condence it. then cool

Is the worlds media at fault?

I answered a question from a muslim and was totally rude (sorry) and was totally not understood. It was a question about women's rights and linking it to women being loose with their bodies because of women's rights. It never occurred to me that women's rights and being loose with their bodies had anything to do with each other. It occurred to me that we are all misinformed when it comes to the east, west, and other cultures. Our media has shaped all of us weather muslim or christian to hate, and be fearful of both sides. The misunderstanding and false impressions given to us is pulling our world apart. After thinking about this I realized that we as a people need to look past the media and really understand that western christians are not all infidels and promiscuous and that not all eastern muslims are evil bombers. Don't you think we all need to just shut of the news for a while and think for ourselves? I for one am tired of being manipulated and hope more people can see through the propaganda on both sides. Anyone else agree?

Kickboxing cles in Escondido/san marcos/fallbrook/etc?

I already am a member of 24 hour fitness and do the Turbo Kickboxing cl there. Unleashed gym is too expensive. Anyone know of kickboxing cles i could take at another gym/ facility? i want hands on training.

What is a good sentence that will grab the readers attention?

i am writing an essay over Langston Hughes and his poem "Mother to Son" but i could really use a good sentence to start the essay. Something that will grab the readers attention. Thank you so much for the help!!!

What good reason was it inserted in constitution that the president can pardon whoever he wants ?

On occasion there is a valid reason for the president to pardon someone but this has been totally abused by recent presidents. Just ask Bill Clinton. He pardoned hundreds of politically corrupt people who should be in jail. Sadly, political corruption is the norm these days at all levels and in both political parties. It's about who can rip off the American people the most and get away with it.

Name for a baby boy..which is better?

I love Jaxon Gable! It's a nice name. Very nice middle name as well. Makes me think this baby is going to be a nice boy. Not sure why but I get that vibe with this name. :)

Does menopause make women violent?

menopause has it's moments when it feels like you have murder on your mind, when your kids just say "hello" : ) if your having a rough time with it, talk 2 someone like a doctor.. bummer eh ~

Anyone had increased cm before AF?

Hi chick its your cm and your fertile, if it's its milky like suntan cream it's definatly that, if its like raw egg whites thats fab that day your ovulating, sadly i dont know your cycles and i'd love to help where i have failed, i have tried to use these ovulation calenders and had no joy at all i hope this answer helps you achieve a pregnancy and good luck! :-)

Due to their expertise in understanding geologic layers in studying the Noahic Flood, do Creation Scientists..?

Yes you got that right. And their stunning and shockingly accurate explanations of natural phenomena is also the reason why creationism is the world wide accepted standard of science.

What are spacers when it comes to installing alloys?

They are usually fitted between the alloys and the hub, then when you tighten up nuts the wheels themselves do not get the impression of the hub on the alloys...understand? and give a space between any brake fitting that may catch on the wheel.

Have you had to pee so bad you wet yourself during sports, like track? And why are track uniforms so skimpy?

it's not so much for looks, think about it, track is mostly a running sport, and you have alot of drag if you wear baggy clothes, so the more form fitting clothes you wear then the more arrowdynamic you are hence less drag

Challenging math problem I need for some extra credit.?

A dodecahedron has 12 faces, all of which are regular pentagons. Three edges meet at each vertex. An interior diagonal is a segment connecting two vertices such that the segment is not an edge or along a face of the dodecahedron. How many interior diagonals does a regular dodecahedron have?

Are Texans ok with people not speaking English or is that just Californians'?

In California a lot of what is spoken is Spanish. Is Texas like this or are Texans more about Americans speaking English and not tolerating it.

Help With MOLES ! !?

I have a yard full of mole tunnels. I need to know if they are noctuurnal of diurnal. This is so I can better deter them. Not KILL, just deter.

Why have Americans given up their objectivity and sense of fairness about Islam since 911?

The people who bombed the wtc represent only a small small percentage of the Muslim population. So how come there are comments on here saying "Nuke the Moslems" and "Islam is a dangerous religion" and "Kill all Moslems" Don't they realize that makes US look like the terrorists, the same people who bombed the WTC?

Did we say I love you too soon?

I've been dating my boyfriend for 6 months but we've been best friends for 4 years and are both 15. Yesterday we had our banquet for our marching band and following it was a dance. We danced for nearly 2 hours. Us being 15, his mom drove us home and he walked me to my door. We hugged (haven't kiss but we both come from pretty conservative Christian families and both are saving ourselves for marriage so we're taking it fairly slow) and as we pulled apart we said I love you. We've discussed saying I love you actually and we both feel that we do love eah other but being so young we can't say we're "in love". What do you all think? Was it too soon in the relationship?

I have a 2008 Scion xB- can it fit 3 Carseats in it?

We purchased an 08' Scion Hb 3 months ago & so far I love it. Only problem is the interior is a pain to keep clean with 2 kids. We are currently thinking of having another child and can't afford to upgrade to a van right now- yeah we should have thought about this before buying. Anyways I was wondering if anyone knows if you can fit 3 carseats in the back, we have a 4 almost 5 year old who is in a backless booster, and our daughter is 3 and in a convertible carseat- Evenflo Triumph. If you can fit 3 which seem to work the best????

LGBT-Do you/Would you do this?STORY?

That story actually made me laugh out loud. I wouldn't get real into it if someone said "eww". I would just feel bad about it for a while, and maybe re-locate (i don't like PDA).

I am losing heart, my weight loss is very slow?

I would suggest a cleansing diet. I lost 12 pounds in 9 days and then 28 pounds in less than a month. I also lost a lot of inches too! I learned that cleansing will help the body get rid of toxins. Toxins come from a lot of things like fast food, pollution, food additives and preservatives and lots of other things. The toxins get stored in the fat in our body. To get rid of the fat, we have to get rid of the toxins by cleansing the body. This made sense to me and I decided to try a cleanse program and it worked. The weight came off fast and this kept me motivated to keep going, not like other diets where the weight loss it too slow. I did Jenny Craig, Weight Watcher and Medifast. If you want to learn more call the toll free number 1-877-587-4647 or check out the website. This was the first time I ever did a cleanse, it was easy and I feel better. Good luck whatever you decide to do! a href="" rel="nofollow"

How to get with a stuck up b*

leave her alone cus u wastinq her time so u wastinq your time she aint qivinq u a chance so why u keep tryinq i reason u like her cus she qiv a chase & other qirls u be qoin after jsut falls into your arms but yeah u can keep tryna bu if she aint qivinq u the chance stop it move on

If a person ingests 8.00 mL what percentage of iron(II) in the blood would be sequestered by the cyanide ion?

The average human body contains 5.70 L of blood with a Fe ^2+ concentration of 2.50×10−5 . If a person ingests 8.00 mL of 11.0 NaCN , what percentage of iron(II) in the blood would be sequestered by the cyanide ion?

OJ Mayo overrated? He is rated no.10 in the mock draft?

aau tourney 2 yrs ago. my center gets a put back dunk on first play of game and made a mistake by screaming in oj's face. game over. next play took off from about 10 feet out a posterized my friend. he ended up wit 32 points. i knew he was not overrated right then and there.

Any suggestions for my history proj? about ancient rome or greece..?

I don't know exactly what you need, but if you do it about cultures you can compare the Aztecs and the Incas. I heard somewhere they had similar things when they were conquer, like they both where waiting for a God and they surrender because of that.

Why cant i cant quit smoking?

ive cut back quite abit .and i recently decided quiting .. but im sooo fuking nervous and emotional. i keep thinkg whats going to happen when iwant to drink or when im walking around to appointments i have .when im not occupied with something is when im smokign and also when others are smoking i find it automatic im taking out my pack. how the hell am i going to do this im already going nuts and ive only cutted back the smokes...???

How to lose some fat, fast?

If you want to fit in 00, you need to lose the weight you've gained. You aren't that skinny. You may still be skinny, but not 00 quality skinny.

Who wins this lawsuit, Ron or Lana?

Lana said she was divorced, so that Ron would hook up with her on fri. night. Sunday morning, Ron walks into church, and sees Lana with.. her husband! Lana pulls Ron aside and offers him a check for $900 (Made up to her by her brother Jim) to never tell, and they write up a contract. She properlyendorses it to Ron. Jim lives in the same town as Ron, so Ron goes to JIm's bank to present the check, expecting to have it credited by 5 p.m. Luckily Jim's wife Martha is there to deposit a money order from Lana's brother Charles. She deposits it and buys a $800 teller's check and $100 to give to Ron, in exchange for the $900 check. (Else that check would have bounced.) Ron calls a taxi, to rush to his bank and is thinking caching! Lana, however causes trouble, by calling martha up and claim that Jim's signature was forged, then claiming hers was forged. Ron has made it to the bank, and has put in the cashier's check. (He gave $100 to the cabbie). Lana tries to have the $800 taken out of Ron's account. She went to lunch with hubby, and Ron's twin Rita, across from Ron's bank. She goes to the bank and claims Ron forged. Rita says "Ron can't forge HIS OWN signature!" Ron called Rita to warn her of Lana's trickery, because he knew Rita would overhear Lana's claims, as she and Rita were spending the day together. Ron's account is credited immediately after the bank showdown, and because of all of the hle Lana gave him, Ron, after having the dough, rats out Lana to her hubby. Divorced, and now without alimony, Lana sues Ron for $900. Who wins?

How can id, ego, and superego be discredited?

People just think evilness is SAAAATAN and the goodness is GAAAWD but I think it's just HUUUUMAN! We all struggle with things in our mind that say to do bad things and say to do good things. The moderator is basically us (ego). Why is everything bad considered the devil possessing you when it could just be how the brain functions. We have id and superego to balance each other out. Ever heard of Imp of the Perverse? Someone said it's discredited but it makes so much sense. Human nature in itself is GOOD AND EVIL combined.

Monday, August 8, 2011

What do you think of this statement found on

The xian god is obviously a woman hater. The person who wrote that is just following the teachings of the xian mythology.

What happened to korn?

I know that Head is doin his own thing but does the band plan on releasing another album? If possible name some sources..Please don't tell me your opinion on them, i don't care what you think.. Please help

Who will win?

edge,hbk his gonna fake his leg injury lol,MVP cause his better than miz,Mickie James,y2j cause he has more experience

What's a really good book?

I got to do a book report on a book of my choice and i can't find any good ones...any help? No offense but im not really into all that 12 year old twilight and harry potter crap etc. Kinda looking for a mystery or really exciting book, you know twist, murders, betrayals all the works, if you have any suggestions even if it's not like what i just described but is still a really good book go ahead and post it. You never know

Should i get my 7 month old baby the swine flu shot ?

ok we are traveling to see my mom by plain to big Texas and i was wondering should i get my baby the swine flu shot ? is it safe ? are y'all giving it to your babys ? her Dr said he recommended for her to get for the exposure on the plain but i m not sure what do y'all think ? sorry for my english im working on it !

What is it discharge or skid marks?

i have brown stuff on my undies it looks like skid marks but i don't know i get it everyday, am i not wiping my bottom properly what do you think? i am 12

Have you noticed a correlation between intelligence and North/south support?

There are some super smart Man U fans around here - no doubt...but then again if you compare them to Liverpool fans, they might as well migrate to the South

Both my dogs are crate trained, we are going back to 8-5 hours?

I understand you don't want to give up your dogs and it seems like you're doing a good job caring for them while you're home. If you can't afford a dog sitter or daycare I would suggest trying to train them so you can let them out of their crates while you're at work. That way even though they are alone they still have some space to play or move in. If that doesn't work, still if a family member or close friend can come over and play with them for an hour or so while you're gone.

Lost mucous plug or yeast infection? (TMI)?

Okay, Monday I started losing my mucous plug, or so I thought. Tues I had pretty steady contractions for a few hours then they stopped. Wed. morning I lost more plug in the shower. I went to the dr to get checked since I had the contractions Tues. She said I have a yeast infection. I have never had one but never thought that I did. I had no itching or burning or foul smell or disharge other than what I thought was my plug. I am taking the inserts but I still have a little stuff coming out that I think is the rest of my plug. The mucous that came out looked like snot. Do yeast infections cause twinges of pain in my upper crotch or do you think maybe I am dilating. BTW, I was already dilated 1cm. Any experience with this. I have been very lucky not to have ever had one of these unfortunate lady issues before but had I not had these contractions Tues. I never would've thought I had any sort of infection. And yes, the dr. did do a swab and looked under a microscope to determine my infection. I trust my dr. just a little confused. Thanks!

OK, so most people just end up annoying me in some way or other?/?

I seek friends, but i am very hateful. At times I purposely don't make effort to keep in touch with them b/c I'm good all by myself or b/c I fear I am annoying them and they wouldn't want to be seen with me anyways. i am blinded my people's negative personality traits: he/she is too aggressive, too straight-forward, to clingy, too vulnerable, too talkative, etc. I admit some of my relationships are based off of convenience, nothing else. Also, I find that I tend to bond with people who are negative and cynical, sort of like myself, which is return hits me in the face and is destructive. in all honesty, i am especially hateful towards happy people, the ones who lay back and enjoy life...It might be a slight tinge of jealousy but honestly not that much. What's wrong w/me??/

Is meat safe if you re-freeze it after it has thawed out?

Here is the details, me and a friend of mine (my girl friend's neighbor) were cleaning up at a school in the cafeteria and we had to pull the freezers out from the wall. We were doing the major cleaning that takes place before the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. The regular cook staff just does general cleaning and they don't pull the freezers out from the wall because they are large heavy commercial freezers, so they end up hiring an independent contractor to do the job. Well, my friend didn't turn back on the surge suppressor strip that the freezers plug into (he just plugged them into the surge suppressor power strip without remembering to turn the power strip back to the on position). There were several 30 pound cases of hamburger patties in each of the freezers. My friend didn't tell me this until today. I want to mention that he was the one that was responsible for plugging back in the power strip, not me. Either way, I have access to the school and I can say I forgot something and then run into the cafeteria and turn the power strip back on. My concern is that meat being thawed out over the weekend and then being refrozen. I think it will be okay, but my girl friend says you can't thaw meat and then refreeze it. I am going to fire my friend because I don't need workers like that, but at the same time, I don't want to tell the school about the meat because I could lose my contract with the school. Will it be okay if I just plug it back in and not say anything? I don't think meat being thawed over the weekend will hurt it because it is still inside the sealed boxes. I remember when I was in college, I left meat out all day and then cooked it and ate with no problem.

Weird Dream...Any Ideas?

Hmm, my guess is: Have you either been think ing of having a child, or had any kind of custody issues or parenting help that was unwanted? I ume your cub was a panda too, were you human? Have you had complaints about how someone is caring for a child or even adult, that you love? Sounds like relationship or child issues to me.

Someone please recommend me some books?

I enjoyed Harry Potter, Wicked, The Zombie Survival Guide, The Call of Cthulhu, anything by Edgar Allan Poe, Ghostgirl, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Flowers In The Attic, and really any clic horror story. What else could I read? :)

Do u feel bad when u walk past a tramp he asks u fr change u say u dont have any yet ur on your way 2 the shop?

sometimes actually. there is this kid that is always sitting in the bus station and all he asks for is food - no money nothing. one day i stood in line at Dunkin Donuts to get him a bagel. i have my doubts about some homeless people (the kinds that stick a jingling cup of change in your face as you go by) but there are some that my heart goes out to.

Where Can I Find these appliaces to buy!!!! - KGN area?

Don't know what to tell you...Courts & Singer is all I know. There are PPL in Kingston and Portmore selling appliances out of their homes ( they take them in & gives loans, when they go in default, you get a great deal ) , so check the Sunday Gleaner for ads of private ppl selling lots of different appliances.

Sudden peanut allergy.?

I suddenly developed an allergy to peanuts and peanut products, and it's grown steadily worse. Now even trace amounts in plain M&M's, or peanut oil in Chinese cooking sets it off. It's very strange because until as little as two years ago I wasn't allergic at all! Are sudden allergy onsets like this normal, or a harbinger of something else?

Help looking for an old black and white movie.?

Did the in shoot his victim while the victim was holding a milk bottle? If so, It could be The Manchurian Candidate, from 1962. It's an excellent movie, much better than the tepid 2004 remake. The young woman would have been the victim's daughter.

I need a hobby ideas?

Welcome to the wonderful world of crafts! Decoupage, origami, beading, felting, quilting, knitting, crocheting, cross-stitching, sewing, weaving... you name it!

Been really depressed lately??? Please read story?

Hi. my name is Lydia and I think I'm suffering through depression. Its not like I'm cutting myself and thinking of commiting suicide or something, its just that I've been so sad lately, everything I do makes me stressed out and upset, I cry a lot, I get in fights with my mom, and my friends are being bitches. So, first lets start with my friends. I was best friend with a girl named Sadie* since second grade. This year in seventh grade we grew closer then ever. There's this guy named Andrew*, my ex-crush. Well, let me say this, my parents won't let me go anywhere without a parent if there's boys there. Okay, so I"m starting with the happy stuff. I went to the movies/mall with my friends Sadie, Andrew, Robert* (my now best friend), and James*. Of course, Sadie's parents had to go. So we went to the movies and had the time of our lives. We watched New Moon and after that had a lot of fun at the mall. Andrew couldn't stop making me laugh and by the end of the night, we had around twenty inside jokes. I heard James whisper to Andrew, "are you going to ask her out?" and I was thinking who? Then, after Robert left, he called and said, "someone that went with you to the movies likes you." Now, Robert has asked me out twice, but he's a total player. I was totally confused. After the movie and after Andrew gave me a thirty second hug, Sadie said that Andrew liked me. I was shocked with happiness. We texted for a while and then I told Sadie to ask him if he liked me to make sure. So she did and he said, "I love Lydia. She's so beautiful and has the most amazing personality ever. She didn't stop making me laugh all night and its cool that we're both tall :) I'm going to ask her out on Monday." It was AMAZING. Trust me!! So on Monday, I saw Sadie talking to this girl. Sadie introduced me to her, and said her name was Layla*. I said hi, she seemed nice. Little did I know the truth. Sadie and I have no cles together, but then Sadie befriended Layla because they have a lot of cles together. When Andrew was around that day, I got so nervous I turned away and pretended I didn't know him. I was SO scared!! I didn't know what to do, because my parents won't let me date but I liked him THAT much. Instead, I ignored him for the next week, when James told me that Andrew didn't like me anymore, he liked someone else. I was so sad and realized how mean and stuck-up I had acted. I asked who he liked, and James told me Layla. The following week, Andrew asked Layla out and Layla said yes. Sadie asked me to go to the movies, but said a parent wouldn't go. I told her there was no way I could go without a parent without my parents knowing, so she just said she'd ask someone else. So she asked Layla. It ended up that Layla and Andrew ended up kissing and holding hands and all this crap. I was heartbroken. That's when I realized Sadie was going with Layla and the boys to the movies a number of times without asking me. That's when I read on Sadie's facebook: "I love Layla SOOO MUCH!!! She's the bestest friend in the WHOOLLLEEE world!!!!! She's so amazing and nice and everything and I love her because shes my BFFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… When I asked Sadie about this, she said that Layla had wrote that. Which was a lie. That's when Layla's true colors started to show. She would cuss all the time and feel Sadie's . She'd say, its Wednesday!!! And touch all these girl''s s. That's when I realized I didn't want to hang out with them. Layla broke up with Andrew alot of times but would always get back together with him. She's also a total pervert and touches guy's and get's out of trouble. She seemed so nice!!! Boy, was I wrong!!! I stopped hanging out with Sadie and Layla for a long time and went with some other friends. Finally, Layla broke it off with Andrew and Andrew and I started to like each other again. That's when I completely fell for him. I would listen to love songs and dream of him every night. He was like a dream come true. He plays guitar, sings, does basketball, football, soccer, track, and used to do karate (he has a six-pack). He already has a record deal and is serious about his music. I told him, he would be famous some day, and he said if he got famous, he wouldn't forget me. He also said he wanted to kiss me and all this stuff. I was lovestruck. Then of course Layla has to get in the way. Not only had she stolen all my best friend's and still had the eye of my crush, but she had to interferer again. When he would p, she'd be like "Look its Lydia's boyfriend." Then one day, Layla forgot a jacket and Andrew held her in his arms and hugged her and wouldn't stop. That's when I realized he's been using me. Also my friend Robert told me he used to be in a gang, keep's condoms in his wallet, has had 37 girlfriends, and loves to touch girls and kiss them. I was really surprised. So I talked to Sadie, and she said that Andrew was a liar and that he was a jerk to Layla sometimes. Andrew ha

Do I have a virus, i have files with random names?

yes, that is a common computer bomb virus. it has the ability to overload your PSU and create a relatively large explosion. i would bring it to a certified electrician or computer expert ASAP.

Yet again an acne question?

in middle school i tried everything over the counter neutrogena to clean & clear i even tried proactiv to mario badescu nothing was working now in high school so i went to my family doctor my peditrician that i go to for everything she said i could either wait to get into a dermatologist or she could prescribe me something so i started using clindamycin phosphate topical gel 1% i used it for about 7-8 months it made my skin better but i was still getting those large deep lumps under the skin that are painful to touch so i called and got it changed to tretinoin gel 0.025% i use that only at night i wait 20-30 likes it says for the skin to dry i wash with benzoyl peroxide 2.5% wash morning and night i've been using tretinoin for about 5 weeks now when i first started using it i got sunburn so my face was red,dry and swelled but kinda clear no large bumps then it became very dry always peeling and tight and my skin has never looked worse i use neutrogena for sensitive skin lotion or curel and almay clear complexion concealer with maybeline shine free loose powder although my skin is VERY dry its is oily! also..i called my doctor and im waiting for a call back..i also have bad back acne now anyone know any good prescriptions for that? anyone have any advice about what i should do with my skin???? its sucks and its having an impact on my social life.

Was it only a matter of time before Obama's dissapproval ratings overtook his approval ratings?

Was it only a matter of time before Obama's DISAPPOROVAL rating caught up and ped his approval rating? According to real clear politics dot com, who takes polling data from multiple sources to create an unbiased average, they are showing Obama's approval rating at 46.1% and his disapproval rating at 47.3%. I wonder what these numbers will look like in 6 months? a href=";_ylt=AgFIbd36lcfPg1pxO_ehfdvj1KIX;_ylv=3";_y…/a

Why is everyone here happy about Sri Lanka going down?

I'm happy about SL's fall. No, don't get me wrong there, being a Paki, I'm naturally supposed to be happy about Pak's success against any other team. But then again, SL's a very powerful team too, but I guess 'Hard work bore sweet fruit' for Pakistan. With respect to every other team, I sign off. Good Luck to all the teams for the WC!;))

When history looks back on George W Bush, where do you think he'll be?

Have you completely lost it? Look at all the lives that have been lost and still being lost because of the presence of american troops, in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since George W took office, he has brought fear into the lives of americans and people all over the world. People will look back and hopefully realize he is the biggest war criminal and will go down as the most hated US president in all of history.

What is a good song to talk about in an essay?

Pick any johnny cash song. Maybe Boy Named Sue for example because it tells a story and can be interpreted different ways. DO NOT do a lady gaga song. Your poor teacher probably gets tons of them.

Who are the parents of Phebe Asher b. 1815. Ky. Who is her husband, child and grand child?

I've run across many Dillion Ashers who could be Phebe's father, but I am told none of those are correct. I have found one saying that Phebe married a John Allen, then I have also found John Allen married an Emelia Nunnally. I need help straightening this mess out. Phebe's child should be my grandmother Martha Allen which married a Mathias Gabbard.

Staying in Step????????????

So I have a horrible time staying in step in band. We have a huge competetion this saturday and i have been improving somewhat. I just dont want to lose points because i cant stay in step. I dont know what my problem is this year. I have always been amazing at marching and such. We dont high step march or anything i think he called it like a glide or something. Does anybody know how i could improve some more before saturday? I go in in homeroom and work on marching with some seniors. (im a freshman)

With Blagojevich's impeachment in the Illinois House?

I dunno if they would be required to wait or not. My guess is the justice system wants to get all they can on Blago and those who have played his game.

Who's your biggest celebrity crush ?

I like robert pattinson actually. maybe i'm weird but idk. Though taylor Lautner has incredible abs. :)

When does WICKED the movie come out???

I've seen teaser trailers from Disney and Universal pictures but no real website exists for the movie. When will it ACTUALLY come out??? Do you know of any websites that give official information?

The simple life dvd listing!?

you can probably find info regarding the whole season at and you probably pruchase the DVDs on


people here would ask questions that has a straightforward answer and then, the people that would answer would say the same thing over and over! ok that's it for today!

Drop Bush or Tracy for Lince?

I picked him up hoping to strike gold with him! Lets not forget that if he is roughed up San Fran has been offering pretty good run support as of late. I'd definitely drop Tracy, you can always find a spot start on the wire. I too am trying to hold out for Bush to put it all together

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Do you think Hugh Hefner is a vampire?

If you think about it, it makes sense. He likes to suck, and he has all those skanks living with him. There's so many daddyless girls in that house, that nobody would even miss. He probably preys on them, one by one... And not a lot of people live to be that old.

Could I file a lawsuit against my ex-husband for child support?

Is your son a product of this marriage either by birth or adoption? If yes than support will be granted to you in court. If no then the man is not legally obligated to support the child. Since you and your son are on visas I would guess that the child is not your husbands and so you would not be eligible for child support from him.

Im going to Disney's All star sports hotel tomorrow. Anything i should know?

Anything i can't find in a brochure or something? Any info is appreciated. My family is rly big an infant, 2 5 year olds, a 9 year old, and a 15 year old. So anything is relevant. Thanks. Or anything new (from january 07 on-) i should know?

Weight loss stopped in atkins phase 1!!?

On day 4 I added the atkins products...and my weight loss stopped! is it the products? are they not intended for phase 1? the packaging says they are for all phases...has anyone else had this problem?

95 Probe GT starting issues, cranks but not start?

every so often the car will crank but not start. No problems when the car is operating just an intermittent starting problem...fuel pump or relay maybe?????????

Unprotected Secondary Conductors.?

Where in the Code does it say that the unprotected secondary conductors of a transformer must terminate at the nearest point in the panel

Is this chapter alright so far? Please help?

it's very good. very descriptive. only one tweak, you seem to have a lot of commas. try looking up comma rules on the internet. otherwise good work. very well written.

I need to make an impression on my mother about dog nutrition. Any good resources?

My suggestion would be speaking with a local vet.They might be able to give you some information.Or heck,take the dog to the vet and make your mother go with you.

What's the name of that French stew you keep adding ingredients to?

It can go on for days, adding ingredients as the volume gets low, but it usually has white beans and sausages, and I've made it with kale and carrots and funny-shaped noodles... I think the name starts with a "C", but my memory has taken the morning off. Thanks.

Hogan's New "Promotion"?

Not sure if anyone's posted on this or not, but since WCW closed down, Hogan's been talking about opening his own promotion. In the past he's made promises like signing the Outsiders and Paul Wight, even going so far as to patent one of Big Show's indy ring names. Just about a week ago, he reported that he and Eric Bischoff had went to pitch their new "Promotion" to CMT exec.'s The fishy thing was...there was no product, company name...or roster for that matter. Finally, Eric Bischoff announced that Hogan and he weren't opening a promotion at all, but were starting a celebrity based wrestling training reality show for CMT. While the verdict's out on whether or not Country Music Television will pick it up, what are your thoughts on the concept of the show? Do you like it? Do you dislike it? Do you feel deceived by Hogan? What's your general opinion on this new development in general. Discuss.

I have Philips HTS6500 5.1 500W DVD Home Theater Sys....?

The Philips HTS6500 Home Theater System combines style and performance in an elegant and hle-free system indulges you with endless hours of viewing and listening pleasure. With Dolby Digital and DTS decoding this system manages to deliver surround-like sound using 2 speakers and a subwoofer instead of using 5 speakers and a subwoofer. The end result is a virtual-surround environment that's easy to set-up and use in any home. Save time and money with this Philips HTS6500 home theater in a box! Or

If you omit a question on the psat is it counted incorrect?

I believe if you leave an answer blank, you get 0 points for it, but if you answer it and get it wrong, they subtract 1/4 of a point.

Are all records and cds "originals"?

Originals is the guys on stage or in the studio thrashing their limbs around with varying levels of integration with their instruments, and flapping their lips. Everything else is a reproduction.

Saying On Homecoming T-shirt?

I have homecoming next week and I want to make a t-shirt with a group of my friends.. Our mascot is the vikings and im looking for a saying about being the best? or something.. actually anything that is a good saying for vikings



Which should I get?: Samsung Blackjack II or Pantech Duo??

i just got the pantech duo and im seriously INLOVE WITH IT! so cute and hi-tech. my friend has the blackjack but its not AS easy to carry around..and it roughly the same price. also, whichever one you decide to get, get a case for it! or something that you can attach it with so that no one can steal it! i know so many people who ahve gotten new smartphones stolen in very little days. but anyway, whichever one. theyre both great phones. but pantech duo has great features, so convienient and etc etc. if you have any questions about it just email me